
We all need a Google Guide......


When we surf on the internet, we all need a guide. For me, and I am sure for most of you, that guide is Google.
However, do we know how to take advantage from all this guide is offering us? In the next article, I will try to present the operators used in searching along with some words with special significations.


The minus operator (-) can be used for terms you want excluded from your search.
If you put a phrase in (") Google will display the result containing that phrase.

The stop words

These words will be excludes from Google searching because Google is considering them very usual ones (for ex. "to"). If you want your searching to contain those particular words you will have to use the plus operator (+) before them.

Memorized page

Google acquires an image of each examined page during its checks on internet, and keeps it in case the original page is not available. If you click on the"Cache" link, you will see the page in the same format it was when indexed.

Similar pages

If you click on "Similar pages", Google will give you similar pages with that page. This function is useful if you want to buy a product with the lowest price.


Google can be used in the same time as a calculator. All you have to do is to write the equation in the search box and to press enter.

Ex. 5*658*89+56

Special words

Some words, if followed by two points (:) , get a special meaning for Google. It is very important not to put spaces between (:) and the next word because in that case, those words will not going to have that special function but simply searching terms.


You can also use Google for definition of some words. You must use the word "define" and the word whose definition you are looking for.

Searching on specified site

If you want your search to contain only results from a specified site you have to use the word "site" followed by it address and searching terms.

Connections to a page

Use the word "link" and sites address and you will find pages sending you to that site.

Other functions
There are many other functions, such as maps, air travel information or stock market values but are valid only for United States, so, I will not pay to much attention to that.
SD Card Recovery is a good software to tell people how to recover files from sd card and how to recover photos from sd card. With this tool, people can recover photos from sd card easily. SD Card Recovery offers its users an easy-to-use interface which is much easier for people to recover files. SD Card Recovery performs read- only operations on your memory card. It provides people method of how to recover deleted files from sd card. It does not move, delete, or modify the data on the card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting the source. SD Card Data Recovery recovers photos, music, video, and multimedia files from the source memory card and saves them to the destination location you specify in just a few steps. With sd card recovery, you will never worry about if is it possible to recover files from sd card.With SD Card Recovery, People will never ask questions such as, how to recover photos from sd card, how to recover pictures from sd card. All you need to do is the following steps.

Nowadays, How to recover pictures from sd card is a common topic on some photography forums. Some photographers took pictures and then deleted accidentally. These lost pictures are so important for them, so they have to discover an efficient way to recover the lost digital pictures. But how to retrieve these pictures is a great task for card users. Digital Pictures Recovery Pro can recover missing, deleted or corrupted digital pictures from your SD card or hard disk.
With the scanning of selected storage device, it provides the list of all the photos and other multimedia files. Digital Pictures Recovery Pro v2.6 will display an easy way for you to recover the lots photos. SD card photo recovery process will help you get the missing pictures as soon as possible. All in all, Pictures Recovery will help you recover lost photos with ease.

Mac Data Recovery sports an elegant, efficient interface that may help calm you down when you''re desperate to recover data. Compared to Data Rescue 3, Mac Data Recovery offers a more useful previewer, which made it easier for me to tell in advance whether my files would be recoverable. But in all other ways, Mac Data Recovery offered a comparable feature set and a generally smoother experience.

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